Photography For Real Estate

Tips and techniques for real estate photography

Photo of The Week – 1.5 Million Dollar Aerial Shot

Posted by larrylohrman on September 8, 2006

This shot is the primary shot for a rural home on Seattle’s eastside listed for 1.5 million. It demonstrates a very effective solution to the classic problem of a wonderful home that you can’t see because it is so surrounded by vegetation that every angle from the ground is blocked. As you can see from the photo above, there’s just no way to get a good shot of this home from the ground. There is a secondary photo on the listing taken from the ground on the driveway side but it doesn’t reveal the real class of this home.

I don’t know the details of how this shot was taken but it is clearly an aerial shot perhaps done with a heli-cam but it cost the agent at least $350 or perhaps much more depending on how it was shot. It is well worth the cost because it clearly shows the home’s setting, the unique design, the interconnecting decks and the story high wall of windows. This angle and renders the home very attractive where as all other exterior shots in the listing show very little of the home. This is the kind of shot that will attract the right kind of buyer. In the overall scheme of things a shot like this can be a major factor in selling a home.

I give this shot two thumbs up!

One Response to “Photo of The Week – 1.5 Million Dollar Aerial Shot”

  1. That could have been taken from a 20 metre high telescopic mast, and this is equivalent to 6 or seven stories high. (20m is 65 feet for you imperial people!)

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